


    Knowledge Is The Best Skin Care


Simply Thread Skin Care Salon is a private studio that prides itself with one on one professional skin care services without the costly prices of medical spa's or clinics. All services are provided by a properly trained, State of Illinois licensed member of the Associated Skin Care Professionals and has been validated as meeting the state’s licensing credentials and core training requirements. Simply Thread follows a code of ethics which ensures you’ll be treated responsibly and with the utmost respect.

We offer effective facials and aggressive treatments that will aid the skin's natural ability to maintain its health and vitality, while sharing the basics of how the skin functions. Our facials and treatments can be done once or twice a year to keep the skins balance of oil and moisture achieving a healthy youthful complexion.

We treat women and men and young adults. We treat all skin types including Rosacea, Psoraisis, Excezma, Scarred Skin, Acne-Prone, Millia, Sun-Damage and Premature Aging.