Skin Classic Removal of Skin Irregularities












Skin irregularities treated with Skin Classic: Couperose (broken capillaries), Spider Naevi, Cherry Angiomas, Fibromas, Skin Tags, Hyperpigmentation, Milia, Cholesterol Deposits and Acne Pimples. 

The Skin Classic

The newest technology without the use of laser. It uses direct high frequency waves to rapidly treat minor skin irregularities. The high frequency current is an alternating current called the “Tesla Current”. This current can produce a 60, 000 to 200, 000 hertz frequency.  The Skin Classic high frequency probe is used on minor skin irregularities. This probe never enters the skin! It barely touches the surface and therefore is called the touch method. The high frequency dries out the irregularities causing it to shrink, scab and fall off. Treatment is very quick and well tolerated. $90 for full facial treatment (forehead to chin)* Pricing varies dependent on removals & time allocated 

Is there any down time
There is some downtime. Wherever the Skin Classic comes into contact with the skin it will leave a small indentation. This takes anywhere from 10-12 days to heal and return to normal. During that time it is important to always error on the side of caution with your skin by using gentle products, gentle washing and wearing sunscreen. Small skin tags or blood spots disappear immediately and hyper pigmented areas such as liver or "age spots" take only a few seconds. Removal of large skin tags and larger skin abnormalities such as fibromas may take up to 10-14 days to scab, drop and heal over.